Vaporfection viVape Dry Herb Vaporizer 🌿
Vaporfection viVape Dry Herb Vaporizer 🌿
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The Vaporfection viVape Vaporizer is one of the the quietest & fastest Vaporizers in the world. Delivering with your choice of balloon bag or whip, the forced air system provides an aromatic and flavorful vapor from your favorite dry herbs in a matter of seconds. The viVape Vaporizer also boasts a user-friendly "Vapor Sense" Touch Screen with a temperature control system that allows the user to adjust the vaporizing temperature accordingly. The innovative touch screen also enables the user to configure the delivery method & desired time of use. The viVape possess an ultra-fast warm-up time of less than 2 minutes and an LED glass heating chamber that glows when you’ve reached your desired vaporizing temperature. A perennial best seller, you can’t go wrong with the Vaporfection viVape.
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Compatible with Dry Herbs 🌿
Vaporfection viVape Vaporizer
Version 2 - Newest Model
Updated Heating Element
Updated Touchscreen
New Enclosure
All Glass Technology
Virtually Silent Operation
Automatic Shutoff Setting
Glowing LED Glass Chamber
Dual Delivery - Balloon Bag or Wand